Want To Sail on a Tall Ship?

Specific Ships

Want To Sail? # Sail Training Associations # Booking Agencies

Tall Ship Forums

Tallship Trainees Worldwide Forum

United Kingdom
Stavros S. Niarchos & Prince William
Sail Training Association (U.K.)
Email: tallships@sta.org.uk
Earl of Pembroke, Kaskelot, Phoenix
Square Sail
Email: info@square-sail.com
Eye of the Wind - currently in private ownership
Eye of the Wind
Email: sales@eyeofthewind.freeserve.co.uk
Lord Nelson & Tenacious
Jubilee Sailing Trust - for the physically challenged and able-bodied
Email: jst@jst.org.uk


  HM Bark Endeavour
HM Bark Endeavour Foundation
Email: hmbark@ibm.net
  Lady Nelson
Tasmanian Sail Training Association
Email: nelsonlady@aol.com


Asgard II
Asgard II
Email: asgard2@tinet.ie


Sail Training Association of Japan

New Zealand

Spirit of New Zealand
Spirit of New Zealand
Email: spirit@nzinfo.com
Soren Larsen
Squaresail Pacific Ltd
Address: P.O. Box 310, Kumeu, Auckland 1250, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 411 8755
Fax: + 64 9 411 8484
Email: sorenlarsen@voyager.co.nz
Web: http://www.sorenlarsen.co.nz
R. Tucker Thompson
R. Tucker Thompson
Email: info@tucker.co.nz


"HMS" Rose - currently on private hire for filming
"HMS" Rose
Email: Office@tallshiprose.org

Western Europe & Russia

Sedov, Christian Radich, Statsraad Lehmkuhl, Khersones
Adventure Sailing GmbH
Email: info@windjammer.de
Kruzenshtern, Mir, Christian Radich, Europa, Sorlandet, Statsraad Lehmkuhl, Roald Amundsen, Belem
Tall Ship Friends - German support group and voyage booking agency.
Email: tallship1@aol.com

Many of the sites have accounts of personal experiences on board tall ships. Seek them out, they make good reading.

My apologies for missing out so many tall ship organisations, but please do email me with further details and web sites that I can add to to this page.


Email: Chris Brady
No. of visitors since 20-10-99: [ 701 ]
Site last modified: June 26, 2002
© Chris Brady

