Want To Sail on a Tall Ship?

Tall Ship Forums

Bulletin Boards # Magazines # Manuals # Newsgroups

Mailing Lists # Other ISPs # Other Web Sites

Tallship Trainees Worldwide Forum

Bulletin Boards
Tallship Trainees Worldwide - initially enter as a 'Guest' includes an online 'Crew Registry' for sail trainees seeking berths, and tall ship organisations seeking professional, voyage crew and trainees.
Traditional Boats & Tall Ships Magazine - then go to 'Discussion Forum'.
Sail Training Association (UK) - then go to 'Messages' - mainly STA enthusiasts.
Schooner Man Information Exchange - mainly of general interest in tall ships of all kinds.
Historic Vessels - of interest to anyone with a passion for the older vessels.
Bäbel Beuse's MIR Site 'Guest Book'


Traditional Boats & Tall Ships Magazine
Windjammer - the magazine of the Mariners International Club.

Manuals & Directories

"Sail Tall Ships!" - ASTA's very comprehensive Directory of Sail Training and Adventure at Sea
"Sail to Adventure" - a tall ship, a small ship - find a ship - join the adventure - what's the cost? 240 sailing ships detailed in full colour. Introductions by the International Sail Training Association and the Association of Sea Training Organisations.
20 UK pounds - ISBN 0 948337 05 2.
From: Churbarry Enterprises Ltd - Anthony Churchill, 7 Craven Hill, London W2 3EN, U.K.
Email: churbarry@aol.com
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7402 2247
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7402 1919
Eagle Seamanship - A Manual for Square Rigger Sailing - revised by Lt. Edwin H. Daniels, Jr., USCG. Written for cadets serving on the U.S. Coats Guard's famous training barque, EAGLE, and used by Tall Ship sailors around the world, this handy, pocket-sized manual tells seamen all they need to know to sail a square rigger. The new third edition, the first for ten years, is easier than ever to follow, and its simple step-by-step explanations of commands and procedures help the reader thought every important sailing manoeuvre. The wealth of knowledge and experience this guide draws upon is without parallel.
ISBN 0-87021-251-6
From: Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor : Or a Key to the Leading of Rigging and to Practical Seamanship - by Darcey Lever.
The Seaman's Friend : Containing a Treatise on Practical Seamanship - by Richard Henry Dana Jr., Richard Henry Dana.
The Arts of the Sailor : Knotting, Splicing and Ropework by Hervey Garrett Smith


Via Google.com
alt.sailing # alt.sailing.asa # alt.sailing.boats.crew
rec.boats # rec.boats.building # rec.boats.marketplace
misc.transport.marine # sci.military.naval

Via News Server
alt.sailing.tall-ships # alt.binaries.sailing.tall-ships
alt.sailing # alt.sailing.asa # alt.sailing.boats.crew
rec.boats # rec.boats.building # rec.boats.marketplace
misc.transport.marine # sci.military.naval

Via Usenet Archive
alt.binaries.sailing.tall-ships - interface to search tall ship pictures published on usenet by using usenet-replayer's long time archive.

Mailing Lists

Tall Ships at Yahoo! Groups (ex-Onelist) - anything on Tall Ships in general
Click on the above hyperlink to join the mailing list, or
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: tall-ships-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
then to post a message use: tall-ships@yahoogroups.com
in the body type your message
to unsubscribe use: tall-ships-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
to email the list owner use: tall-ships-owner@yahoogroups.com

Tall Ships Mailing List - sailing and operation of Traditional Sailing Vessels
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: Majordomo@listserv.cc.va.us
in the body type: subscribe tallship Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]
then to post a message use: tallship@listserv.cc.va.us
in the body type your message
or to unsubscribe use: Majordomo@listserv.cc.va.us
in the body type: unsubscribe tallship Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]

Traditional Boat & Tall Ships Magazine
Click on the above hyperlink and join the mailing list:
then to post a message send an email to: tallship-list@tallship.co.uk

Historic-Vessels Mailing List - old sailing ships, paddle boats, steamers, yachts, tugs, etc.
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe either click here or use: mailbase@mailbase.org.uk
in the body type: join historic-vessels Your Name

[where Your Name is your own name]
then follow the joining instructions from subsequent emails sent to you.
then to post a message use: historic-vessels@mailbase.org.uk
in the body type your message
to contact the list owner use: historic-vessels-request@mailbase.org.uk
to unsubscribe use: mailbase@mailbase.org.uk
in the body type: leave historic-vessels
Click on Archives to read recent postings.

Marine History Information Exchange Group - a forum for the discussion of topics relevant to maritime history and marine museums.
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: listserv@post.queensu.ca
in the body type: subscribe marhst-l Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]
then to post a message use: marhst-l@post.queensu.ca
in the body type your message
to unsubscribe use: listserv@post.queensu.ca
in the body type: unsubscribe marhst-l Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]
Click on Archives (1994-1996) or Archives (1997-present) to read past postings.

Marine Studies and Information - a forum for the discussion and development of marine related topics such as marine studies, shipboard education, and research - includes sail training.
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: listserv@cgc.ns.ca
in the body type: subscribe marine-l Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]
then to post a message use: marine-l@cgc.ns.ca
in the body type your message
to subscribe use: listserv@cgc.ns.ca
in the body type: unsubscribe marine-l Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]

Infonaut - a multi-specialty nautical research list in hopes of bringing together the talents and resources of nautical and maritime historians, shipmodelers, nautical archaeologists, marine artists, archivists, museum specialists, full-size replica designers and builders and all others interested in the design, construction and operation of ships and boats.
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: infonaut-list-request@lists1.best.com
in the body type: subscribe infonaut-list Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]
then to post a message use: infonaut-list@lists1.best.com
to unsubscribe use: infonaut-list-request@lists1.best.com
in the body type: unsubscribe infonaut-list Your Name
[where Your Name is your own name]

Windjammer at Yahoo! Groups (ex-Onelist) - mainly for supporters of the Windjammer cruise/sailing operation
Click on the above hyperlink to join the mailing list, or
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: windjammer-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
then to post a message use: windjammer@yahoogroups.com
or to unsubscribe use: windjammer-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
or to email list owner use: windjammer-owner@yahoogroups.com

WindjammerFanClub at Yahoo! Groups (ex-Onelist) - mainly for supporters of the Windjammer barefoot cruise/sailing operation
Click on the above hyperlink to join the mailing list, or
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: WindjammerFanClub-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
then to post a message use: WindjammerFanClub@yahoogroups.com
or to unsubscribe use: WindjammerFanClub-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
or to email list owner use: WindjammerFanClub-owner@yahoogroups.com

Pirates - a forum to bring together historians, researchers, nautical archaeologists, authors, re-enactors, and all others interested in serious discussion concerning the history of piracy on the high seas, and related topics.
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: Majordomo@listbox.com
in the body type: subscribe pirates or
                         subscribe pirates-digest
then to post a message use: pirates@listbox.com

Buccaneers - another forum on the pirates theme
Send an email to the appropriate address:
to subscribe use: bucconeer-list-request@bucconeer.worldcon.org
in the subject line type: subscribe
then to post a message use: bucconeer-list@bucconeer.worldcon.org

Other ISPs

CompuServe - Sailing Forum / Tall Ships section
CIX (UK) - Sailing Conference / Tall Ships section

Other Web Sites

Bärbel's Homepage on Tallship MIR
Electronic Maritime Resources
Mark Rosenstein's site
Schooner Man


Email: Chris Brady
No. of visitors since 20-10-99: [ 2224 ]
Site last modified: July 04, 2002
© Chris Brady

