IRISH 19'th Century Dance

Kate Hughes' "Dancing Book,"
Dundalk, 1867

Arch. Thomson - Dancing Master

Circle Dances

All notes are by the late Professor Tom Flett, whose wife Mrs. Joan Flett, kindly gave me full access to her husband’s extensive interpretative notes on the manuscript. These notes compare many of the dances in the manuscript with contemporary published sources. Additional notes in italics are by Chris Brady.
© Frank Maginnis, Joan Flett, Chris Brady - 2002

Preface # Introduction # List of Dances

Grand March # Reels # Quadrilles # Country Dances # Circle Dances

(click on theclick hereimage to see the scanned pages)

83. Circassian Circle (scan click here)

1 Rights and lefts to places 8
2 Set and turn partners 8
3 Ladies chain 8
4 Pousett to next couple 8

Circassian Circle - Notes:

Agrees with 1.3 and Kerr, Allan and Lowe differ in the order of the figures.

84. Hibernian Circle (scan click here)

1 Advance and retire half rights and lefts 8
2 Set and turn partners 8
3 Advance and retire half rights and lefts 8
4 Pousett to next couple 8

85. Virginia Circle (scan click here)

1 Swing four 8
2 Set and turn partners 8
3 Advance and retire half rights and lefts 8
4 Advance and back to places 8
5 pousett to next couple [8]

86. Guaracha Waltz (scan click here)

1 Waltz & change places with opposite couple 4
2 Waltz & change places with partners 4
3:4 Reap [repeat] no. 1 & 2 8
5 Repeat nos. 1-2, 3-4
With addition that [?] hold up each others hands
Waltz to next couple 16

Guaracha Waltz - Notes:

[? - unintelligible]

Appears in RSCDS - 4, but with 8 bars waltz.

87. German Schottsche (scan click here)

1 Chase [chasé] forward with 5 steps and back with 8 [?] 8
2 Repeat the same 8
3 Pousett 8

German Schottishe - Notes:

[? - timing of first part.]


Email: Chris Brady
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© Chris Brady

