Jig Doll Wars

It beggars belief that something as innocuous as a child's toy, aka a jig doll or a limberjack, should be so surrounded by rip-offs and other unpleasantness.

wpe7.jpg (13170 bytes)Recently I bid for a 'new in box' Mr.Tap'n'Go from an eBay so called 'powerseller' trading under the name of postalconnect213 ( 272)

It was intended as an Xmas gift for a good friend of mine who works with children.

  Bidding was slow in fact I was the only one!! I won the item - number:250547626343 - at the price of $3.30 - hardly a profit for the seller who is apparently based in Sacramento, California, United States. However eBay sellers are usually trustworthy and this one had a rating of 99.4% Positive feedback - but soon to be reduced when I give my own very negative feedback.

During the bidding I enquired as to the international postage rate and the reply was: "For USPS international parcel post, it would cost $16.95. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you."

That was Ok. Although I had previously bought another Mr. Tap'n'Go from the USA and the postage was only $12.48, so why was postalconnect213 ( 272) charging me an extra $5.47?

Anyway I won the item at an expected cost of:

Item # Item Title Quantity Price Amount
250547626343 1968 Vintage MR. TAP N GO dancing feet TOY - NIB!!!


$3.30 $3.30
Subtotal: US $3.30
Postage and packaging via Standard Int'l Flat Rate Shipping: US $17.95
Total US $21.25


The receipt and demand for payment from postalconnect213 ( 272) was as follows:

Dear ......,
Thank you for shopping on eBay! Your total amount due is $42.50. More details about your purchase are included below.

Item # Item Title Quantity Price Amount
250547626343 1968 Vintage MR. TAP N GO dancing feet TOY - NIB!!!


$3.30 $3.30
Subtotal: US $3.30
Postage and packaging via Standard Int'l Flat Rate Shipping: US $17.95
Seller discounts (-) or charges(+): US $21.25
Total US $42.50

Now the more observant of you will notice that a mysterious and unexplained additional charge of $21.25 has crept into the proceedings. Hmm ...

Further more a cryptic note followed which stated:

If payment arrangements are not made within 3 days, item may be sold to another buyer and you will forfeit any right to item.

That is if I dont pay the grossly inflated and unexplained extra charges immediately I will lose what is rightfully my winning bid. And my 100% positive buyers/sellers rating will be affected, with a 'non payment' strike against my membership.

As is typical with all online commerce postalconnect213 ( 272) (and also eBay and by implication PayPal) seems to want my money above everything else and customer service seems to come at a very low priority.

Emails requesting an explanation and detailing my concerns about this to postalconnect213 ( 272) remain ignored.

Emails of concern to eBay Customer Service also remain ignored - so much for eBay's 'Safe Harbour.'

Two days later:

I have now received another invoice and another curt note to pay within 3 days.

Item # Item Title Quantity Price Amount
250547626343 1968 Vintage MR. TAP N GO dancing feet TOY - NIB!!!


$3.30 $3.30
Subtotal: US $3.30
Postage and packaging via Standard Int'l Flat Rate Shipping: US $17.95
Seller discounts (-) or charges(+): US $2.25
Total US $23.50




If payment arrangements are not made within 3 days, item may be sold to another buyer and you will forfeit any right to item.

Therefore in adding these extra charges the seller has delayed my payment and the delivery of the said item to beyond Xmas. And my friend's children will not now be seeing Mr. Tap'n'Go for Xmas. Quite how and why postalconnect213 ( 272) remains in business as a 'powerseller' is a moot point.

Just found the website, see here:


Now these folk seems to be running a bona fide business. So how come they tried to rip me off by over-charging twice in succession? MOOT POINT!!

Three days later:

Hooray - I've just got the invoice I was expecting. Still $5 over what I paid last time for a similar item, however I am now sick of the hassle and have paid via PayPal.

Item # Item Title Quantity Price Amount
250547626343 1968 Vintage MR. TAP N GO dancing feet TOY - NIB!!! 1 $3.30 $3.30
Subtotal: US $3.30
Postage and packaging via Standard Int'l Flat Rate Shipping: US $17.95
Total US $21.25

However when (and if) the intended recipient receives the item is another moot point.

Further developments will be reported here.

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