

Dan Furey and James Kean, Co. Clare, Ireland
collected by
Chris Brady, July 1991/2

The Sticks

Dan and James used two battons nailed in the form of a cross. Each is about 1½" wide, 3/8" thick and 3' long. They are represented by the dashed lines in the diagram below.

sticks.gif (12421 bytes)

     N, S, W, E are compass directions,
A, B, C, D are quadrant labels.

The Dance

Figure 1:

1. Rotate clockwise, using the pattern of steps described below, to go ¾ round the sticks, starting with feet together at A facing N, and finishing with feet together at B facing W (8 bars)
2. Repeat this pattern starting with feet together at B facing W, and finishing with feet together at C facing S (8 bars)
3. Repeat this pattern starting with feet together at C facing S, and finishing with feet together at D facing E (8 bars)
4. Repeat this pattern starting with feet together at D facing E, and finishing with feet together at A facing N (8 bars)
With feet together at A facing N, perform one jig step (8 bars)
Figure 2:
Rotate clockwise as in Figure 1 but with a different pattern of stepping into the quadrants (32 bars)
With feet together at A facing N, perform one jig step (8 bars)
Figure 3:
1. Rotate clockwise using the same pattern of steps as in Figure 1, but extended to go round the sticks 1¾ times, start with feet together at A facing N, and finishing with feet together at B facing W (16 bars)
2. Repeat this pattern starting with feet together at B facing W, and finishing with feet together at C facing S (16 bars)
3. Repeat this pattern starting with feet together at C facing S, and finishing with feet together at D facing E (16 bars)
4. Repeat this pattern starting with feet together at D facing E, and finishing with feet together at A facing N (16 bars)
With feet together at A facing N, perform one jig step (8 bars)

Patterns of Stepping around Quadrants -
when starting from A and finishing at B. 
Unless otherwise indicated 'A' below means step lightly
onto ball of left or right foot in quadrant A, etc., ...
 Timing      Figure 1             Figure 2             Figure 3     
           Left | Right         Left | Right         Left | Right   
   1      Hop A |              Hop A |              Hop A |         
  and           |  D                 |  C                 |  D      
   2         A  |                 A  |                 A  |         
                |                    |                    |         
   3            |  B                 |  A                 |  B      
  and        C  |                 B  |                 C  |         
   4            |  B                 |  A                 |  B      
                |                    |                    |         
   1         D  |                 D  |                 D  |         
  and           |  C                 |  B                 |  C      
   2         D  |                 D  |                 D  |         
                |                    |                    |         
   3            |  A                 |  D                 |  A      
  and        B  |                 A  |                 B  |         
   4            |  A                 |  D                 |  A      
                |                    |                    |         
   1         C  |                 C  |                 C  |         
  and           |  B                 |  A                 |  B      
   2         C  |                 C  |                 C  |         
                |                    |                    |         
   3            |  D                 |  C                 |  D      
  and        A  |                 D  |                 A  |         
   4            |  D                 |  C                 |  D      
                |                    |                    |         
   1         B  |                 B  |                 B  |         
  and           |  A                 |  D                 |  A      
   2         B  |                 B  |                 B  |         
                |                    |                    |         
   3            |  B                 |  B                 |  C      
  and        B  |                 B  |                 D  |         
   4            |  B                 |  B                 |  C      
(8 bars)=================    ==================           |         
   1    Repeat from B to C   Repeat from B to C        A  |         
  and   ==================   ==================           |  D      
   2    Repeat from C to D   Repeat from C to D        A  |         
        ==================   ==================           |         
   3    Repeat from D to A   Repeat from D to A           |  B      
  and   ==================   ==================        C  |         
   4    Chorus jig step in   Chorus jig step in           |  B      
           A facing N.          A facing N.               |         
   1    ==================   ==================        D  |         
  and                                                     |  C      
   2                                                   D  |         
   3                                                      |  A      
  and                                                  B  |         
   4                                                      |  A      
   1                                                   C  |         
  and                                                     |  B      
   2                                                   C  |         
   3                                                      |  D      
  and                                                  A  |         
   4                                                      |  D      
   1                                                   B  |         
  and                                                     |  A      
   2                                                   B  |         
   3                                                      |  B      
  and                                                  B  |         
   4                                                      |  B      
(8 bars)                                          ==================
                                                  Repeat from B to C
                                                  Repeat from C to D
                                                  Repeat from D to A
                                                  Chorus jig step in
                                                     A facing N.    

Chorus Jig Step
(from 'Single Time')

    Timing       Left     | Right        Modifier                 
       1           hop    |            - swing R ft. across L     
       2           hop    |            - swing R ft. str. back    
       3           hop    |            - swing R ft. across L     
      and                 | heel       - slightly fwds            
       4           step   |                                       
       1           hop    |            ) hold R ft. fwds          
      and          hop    |            ) & down                   
       2                  | step       - behind L                 
      and          ball   |            - across R                 
       3                  | step       - behind L                 
      and          heel   |            - out to L                 
       4                  | step                                  
       1                  | hop        - swing L ft. across R     
       2                  | hop        - swing L ft. str. back    
       3                  | hop        - swing L ft. across R     
      and          heel   |            - slightly fwds            
       4                  | step                                  
       1                  | hop        ) hold L ft. fwds          
      and                 | hop        ) & down                   
       2           step   |            - behind R                 
      and                 | ball       - across L                 
       3           step   |            - behind R                 
      and                 | heel       - out to R                 
       4           step   |                                       
    (8 bars)              |                                       

The Tune

Yellow Haired Goat.


Email: Chris Brady
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© Chris Brady

