"Eastcote Mummers' Play"

Three versions from various sources

This play is in the Local Records collection at Uxbridge Public Library
There are three separate documents - however the text in each is slightly different.

Hand-written document by a Mr.K.J.Holland from a Mr.Joel of Eastcote, one of the last mummers.

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Typed document dated 1954 by a Mr.K.J.Holland from Mr.Joel of Eastcote

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Click to enlarge and print.

The Eastcote Mummers as performed by the Eastcote W.I. in December 1932.
Last performed by the village lads about 1908.

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For other information about mumming see:

Mumming - Walford  - 1883 # Mumming - Hazlitt - 1905

Irish Mumming - 1921 # An Old Mummer at the Chequers - 1943

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