Scans of text
BERKS: p.1
The edition of the "Gentleman's Magazine" referred to does not appear to be held
by the British Library [*].
The British Library Catalogue lists:
Title: Heigh the Cotswold!. a history of Robert Dover's Olimpick Games. by
Francis Burns
Burns. F. D. A.
Title: Robert Dover (1582-1652) and the Cotswold olimpick games. Francis
Burns. F. D. A.. Francis Daniel Alexander. 1932-2000
Title: A History of Chipping Camden and Captain Robert Dover's Olympick
Games. [With plates.]
WHITFIELD. Christopher
Windsor: Shakespeare Head Press, 1958. pp. xi, 284. 8o.
Title: Annalia Dubrensia [being a collection of verses by various writers]
upon the yeerly celebration of Mr. R. Dover's Olimpick games upon Cotswold Hills. [Edited
by M. W.]
London, 1636. 4o.
FAIR: p.326 # p.327
Note that 'Relation of Virginia' (1609) not only refers to the playing of a pipe and
possibly a taber for dancing in Virginia in the early 1600s, but also possibly to step
dancing. A reference is made to a 'darbysher Hornpipe' as a kind of dance.
This document is now online at: 'Relation of Virginia'
then search for 'darbysher' or go to p.57 or see: p.57
# p.58
However the reference to a 'Lancashire Horn-pipe' seems to be to an instrument rather than
a dance.
The British Library Catalogue lists:
Title: Relation of Virginia ... 1609. [Edited by J. F. Hunnewell.] L.P.
Main heading: SPELMAN. Henry. 3rd Son of Sir Henry Spelman
Additional headings: HUNNEWELL. James Frothingham
Publication details: London, 1872. 16o.
Shelfmark: 10413.a.9.
The Catalogue does not list Humphrey King
The British Library Catalogue lists:
Title: Fragmenta antiquitatis. Antient tenures of land, and jocular
customs of some mannors, etc.
[Another edition.]. Tenures of Land & Customs of Manors ... A new edition, entirely
re-arranged, carefully corrected and considerably enlarged by W. Carew Hazlitt, etc.
BLOUNT. Thomas
2 vol. Reeves & Turner; Bernard Quaritch: London, 1874, 1909. 8o.
Title: Tenures of land and customs of manors. originally collected by
Thomas Blount
Hazlitt. William Carew
The British Library Catalogue lists:
Title: The English Treasury of Wit and Language, collected out of the
most, and best of our English drammatick poems; methodically digested into common places
for generall use.
Main heading: COTGRAVE. John
Publication details: pp. 311. Humphrey Moseley: London, 1655. 8o.
Shelfmark: E.1464.(1.)
Shelfmark: G.16385.
Shelfmark: 1451.c.49.
Title: [Another copy.]. MS. notes.
Title: [Another copy.]. Copious MS. notes.
Notes: Interleaved.
Notes: Imperfect; wanting pp. 309-311.

In the articles references are made to other contemporary published sources, which may
be found in the British Library Catalogue [*] at:
. As well as these major publications, various national and regional 'Notes and Queries'
are referred to; these latter appear to be somewhat neglected in current research on
traditional folk customs but being 'eye-witness' accounts are probably the more valuable
sources of information, e.g. for mumming play texts, or descriptions of costumes, or words
of songs, etc.
Major references held in the B.L. are:
Title: A Glossary: or collection of words, phrases, names and allusions to customs,
proverbs, etc. which have been thought to require illustration in the works of English
authors, particularly Shakespare and his contemporaries.
Title: A new edition,. with considerable additions ... by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wright.
Main heading: NARES. Robert
Additional headings: WRIGHT. Thomas. M.A., F.S.A.
Publication details: 2 vol. London, 1859. 8o.
Shelfmark: LEX.55
Title: A Dictionary of old English plays, existing either in print or in manuscript,
from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century, etc.
Main heading: HALLIWELL, afterwards HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS. James Orchard
Publication details: London, 1860. 4o.
Shelfmark: 11924.b.25.
Title: [Another copy.]. A Dictionary of Old English Plays, etc.
Publication details: London, 1860. 8o.
Title: A Supplementary English Glossary.
Main heading: DAVIES. Thomas Lewis Owen
Publication details: pp. xvi. 736. George Bell & Sons: London, 1881. 8o.
Shelfmark: 12983.ff.14.
Shelfmark: T 6365
Title: [Another copy.]
Notes: Held in OIOC