A favourite
Comic Song from the 19'th c.
arranged for the

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Dancing Quadrilles


Monsieur Paris tonight cannot come to us,
Pity so many for nothing should meet,
Dinah our Aunt the Piano shall strum to us,
While we are trying to handle our feet;
  "Queue du chat", "dos a dos",
  "Ballancez", "point the toe",
  You who the figure know,
  Share not our ills,
  But without Masters,
  We meet with disasters,
When first at thirty we practise Quadrilles.


Major Toledo shall dance with Miss Sprigginsby, -
Blow me! she'll scarcely reach up to my knees;
Tabitha Turtle with Alderman Higginsby; -
Now Aunt Dinah strike up if you please.
  "Pastorelle" - "Polonais"
  "Corinne" - "Paysan" - "L'ete"
  All you who know the way
  Laugh at our ills,
  But without Masters,
  We meet with disasters,
When first at thirty we're learning Quadrilles.


Smiles and sentiment, mutt'rings and jealousies,
Chequer'd with pain are the pleasures we feel;
Lo! Miss Tabby that charming young fellow sees,
Soon on the Alderman she turns her heel.
  He, dumb as Nox the while,
  Stiff as the stocks the while
  Stands, tho' his Locks the while
   Rise at his ills;
  Best without Masters,
  To meet disasters,
Than thus to be teazed while we're learning Quadrilles.


Mister Longshank will dance with Miss Roundabout,
Little Miss Frizzle with tall Mr Post; -
Hush one moment! the Music don't sound about,
Not one half of us, Partners can boast;
  One cannot talk to us,
  One's a mere balk to us,
  One of all folk to us,
  Greatest of ills;
  But e'en with Masters,
  We meet with disasters,
Who first at thirty are learning Quadrilles.


Lord good Sir pray don't tread on one's flounces so!
Sure such a brute was before never known!
Pray dear Madam who blusters and bounces so? -
Mincing Miss Frizzle, O leave her alone!
  "Retournez" - pray be calm,
  "Rechassez" - "Chaine des dames"
  "En avant" - flattery's balm,
   Soothes all her ills,
  Still without Masters,
  We meet Sad disasters,
Who first at thirty are learning Quadrilles.


Still we manage to kill our old enemy,
We can no longer of ennui complain;
Then for tomorrow agree we dis:nemine,
Once more to muster and practice again,
  "Queue du chat" - "dos a dos"
  "Balancez" - "point the toe"
  You who the figure know
   Share not our ills;
  But without Masters,
  We meet with disasters,
Who first at thirty are learning Quadrilles.

Packington's Pound

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Very many thanks for the transcription into MIDI of the above tune to:
Benjamin Tubb

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