Early Clog & Jig Dancing

"Dick Sands'
Irish Jig, Clog & Dance Book"

"A history of the personal, political and professional sentiments and perigrinations of
Dick Sands with complete and practical instructions in the art of clog-dancing."
Pub.: J.F. Finn 1879/1880, New York.

Interestingly it seems that there were only instructional manuals for stage clog and jig dancing published in the U.S.A. Using the search terms 'clog danc*' or 'jig danc*' or 'fancy danc*' or 'stage danc*' some of the greatest collections can now be searched online.

There are only two known copies of this manual. One is held by the University of Harvard Library in Boston which is too fragile to copy - see: Theatre Collection: TS 552.20, and one owned privately. It is the latter which the owner has kindly photocopied and which has now been scanned and uploaded here. It is the first time that this fascinating instructional has been made available to the public.

Scans of text
(click on theclick hereimage to see the scanned pages)

0001.jpg (118225 bytes)Intro
click here

Irish Jig Dancing
click here

Clog Dancing
click here

Song & Dance
click here

The Pitcher of Beer:
click here

Grandmother's Chair:
click here

Sweet Forget-Me-Not:
  click here

Dancing in the Sunlight:
click here

The Full Moon's:
click here

The Skids Are Out To-Day:
click here

Never Take The Horseshoe From The Door:click here

The Raffle For The Stove:click here
The Old Wooden Rockek:click here Mrs Magee's Hotel:click here
Jane Anna Killfoil:click here My Father Should Charcoal:click here
Mary Of The Wild Moor:click here High Water Pants:click here

Adverts 1 # Adverts 2:click here|click here

Rear Coverclick here

ds_hornpipe.jpg (35603 bytes)

Dick Sands' Hornpipe # Dick Sands' Hornpipe No. 2
(These are Noteworthy NWC files. Click here to download the free Plug-in or Player.)

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Email: Chris Brady
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Site last modified: October 05, 2007
© Chris Brady

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